Innovate Your Teaching Workshops

Welcome Back, Faculty!

Celebrating 25 years of commitment to teaching excellence and student success at UNC Charlotte, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) welcomes faculty back to campus this Fall!

All faculty and instructional staff are invited to participate in start-of-the-semester workshops on high-impact and innovative teaching strategies to support student success and to prepare for the first weeks of class.

Teaching Innovation Areas for 2024-2025

Get excited! There are foundational and new faculty development topics to explore this year:

  • Pedagogies on Generative AI: Prompt Writing, Student Study Skills, Student Writing Skills, Syllabus and Classroom Communication, Ethical Considerations, Teaching with Zoom AI
  • Student Success Strategies: Syllabus Strategies, Growth Mindset, Active Learning, Group Projects, Poll Everywhere
  • Canvas Foundations: Canvas Starting Fresh, Quizzing, Assignments and Gradebook
  • Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools: Canvas Studio Video Insights, Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grants Program and Proposal Writing Course

Why Attend CTL Faculty Development Workshops

  • Gain knowledge and practice with UNC Charlotte’s enterprise technologies for teaching and learning.
  • Learn from expert CTL instructional designers, faculty development specialists, and academic partners.
  • Meet your colleagues and share stories, experiences, challenges, solutions.
  • Access flexible training formats for online or self-paced learning.

Schedule of Workshops from August 12-30, 2024

Registration is required for all participants to attend and receive professional development credit.
Click on a link below to register.

Generative AI

Overview of Gen-AI Tools for Education

Part 1: Introduction to Gen-AI and Prompt Writing (with MS Copilot)

Part 2: Student Study Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Part 3: Student Writing Skills with Gen-AI (with MS Copilot)

Ethical Considerations for Teaching with Gen-AI

Zoom AI for Teaching

Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools

Active Learning

Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning**

Part 1: Teaching with Poll Everywhere

Part 2: Active Learning with Poll Everywhere

Designing and Implementing Group Projects

**This workshop is part of the Essentials of Learning Technologies teaching certificate

Syllabus Strategies

Syllabus 101: Roadmap to Success

**This workshop is part of the Essentials of Learning Technologies teaching certificate

Syllabus and Classroom Communication on AI Tools

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Orientation to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Program

SoTL Grant Proposal Writing Online Course

Teaching Effectiveness with Canvas Tools

Part 1: Canvas Analytics for Early Intervention

Part 2: Canvas Studio: Exploring Video Insights

Student Success Strategies

Growth Mindset Activities for Your Class

Orientation to Globally Networked Learning (GNL)

Reflections that Resonate: Transforming Classroom Learning

Self-Paced Training Courses

Teaching Certificate Microcredentials

UNC Charlotte Essentials of Teaching and Learning. School of Professional Studies

Essentials of Teaching and Learning Certificate – Provides a foundation in important aspects of teaching and learning in higher education

UNC Charlotte Essentials of Learning Technologies. School of Professional Studies

Essentials of Learning Technologies Certificate – Provides a foundation in in essential learning technologies available at UNC Charlotte

#InnovateYourTeaching #ReachYourTeachingGoals

CTL Celebrating 25 Years